International Publishing House for China's Culture

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Welcome to IPHCC

President's Message

The global publishing industry is changing and developing rapidly. The key for a publishing company to be successful is not only to adopt this change and development, but also to participate in the process and promote the development. The publishing industry should be the center of culture and knowledge to provide diversified and high quality products to readers all over the world. International Publishing House for China’s Culture endeavors to achieve this goal.

Xiaoming Zhao, President, International Publishing House for China’s Culture

International Publishing House For China's Culture

The International Publishing House for China's Culture (IPHCC) was founded in 2003 by Xiaoming Zhao, a world-renowned cultural strategist. IPHCC’s headquarter is located in Washington DC, USA. In addition, it has four regional offices in Toronto, Beijing, Shanghai, and Singapore. In cooperation with foundations, governments, and non-government organizations in both China and the US, IPHCC has published a number of books and audio and video publications covering the fields of Chinese culture, art, music, literature, history, politics, business, investment, education, environment, energy, and science. IPHCC donates both English and Chinese books to the Library of Congress, state and county libraries, and university libraries every year.

IPHCC has published two journals: Journal of Chinese Fine Arts (bimonthly) and Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies in Asia (JMEISA) (biannually). Journal of Chinese Fine Arts is jointly sponsored by US Asian Cultural Academy and Shanghai University Research Institute of Fine Art and has been collected by the Library of Congress. Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies in Asia is cosponsored by Middle East Studies Institute, Shanghai International Studies University and US Asian Cultural Academy. For more information, please check journals.

IPHCC is a member of the Independent Book Publishers Association (PMA). IPHCC also works with Baker & Taylor, the world's largest book and entertainment distributor, to market and distribute its books worldwide.

In addition to publishing activities, IPHCC has established strategic partnership with the Library of Congress and US Asian Cultural Academy to jointly sponsor various cultural exchange activities to promote China-US cultural exchange and friendship. For more information, please check activities and news.

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